I did not say all atheists are irrational. However, alot of Atheists are irrational in that they proffess to be believers in logic and 1# are so set in their ways that they refuse to listen to any other ideas 2# see those who are religious as being out to force them to be religious 3# see themselves as being more logical than those who worship deities.
Of course, these faults are just as common in religion as atheism.
The interesting thing about 3#, is the common belief that the big bang is a first cause. The big bang is an event in a physical universe in which all thing are within time. If something is within time, it must have something to cause it, hence it cannot be a first cause. You need a force outside of the laws of time to create the universe, big bang or no big bang.
Also, on the positivity of religion, the bad things are most often bad people using a religion as an excuse to do bad things. Its the people who are bad, not the idea.
I did not say you must have a god to be a good person.
The most common cause of bigotry is arrogance. It occurs in ALL belief systems, including atheism and darwinism.
Also, atheists say there is absolutely no god. Thats a judgement call on something on which there is no solid evidence either way. Thats a big leap of faith to me.
Only agnostics are completely logic based (or they are just lazy)