looks cool, like vampire superman. what model is that?Here's my vampire hero or lord not decided yet base still unpainted castlevania dracula is my inspiration
looks cool, like vampire superman. what model is that?
unreal man, it looks as good as anything GW puts outi sculpt it from scratch using procreate there's no other model ever made.. :)
@noy042286 When I first looked at your vampire lord/hero I was wondering which manufacturer makes those, I was full of awe when you said it's fully sculpted by you. Amazing skills man.
I guess I could toss my WIP vampire lord here, which I already posted in my plog.
@Sessioni Love the wings on the Vampire Lord, it makes him more..............Badass!!! Hope he has a lot of weight in that base to hold him up, he looks heavy. That's why I prefer plastic over medal models, the metal banners are so heavy the dude keeps falling over, got sick of one guy falling over all the time, I ended up gluing him to the tray LOL.
I'm working on it bro just test painting it hehe :-)@alucard042286
Nice looking vamps, but it would be better if you slightly highlighting the edges. :innocent: