Over the years, Carpe Noctem has hosted multiple painting & converting competitions known as The Golden Bat Competition.
The competition was always greatly expected and allowed beginners and experts alike to showcase their talent, wit and hard work.
These competitions spawned some of the most twisted, unholy & perverted creations that ever saw the light of the night!
This Index thread showcases all of the winners of the past competitions with thumbnails which you can open for full-size images.
Underneath each respective year's winners showcase are the links to that year's announcement, entry, voting and results threads.
At the end of the thread you can find the awards overview, and last but not least, The Golden Bat Competition Hall of Fame.
The Golden Bat Competition Index - Winners and Thread links
Extra Awards and Medals Overview
The Golden Bat Competition Hall of Fame
The Golden Bat Competition Index - Winners and Thread links
Golden Bat 2009
Entries: 13
1st Place - Wight King Battle Standard Bearer by @illusionarypresence
2nd Place - Zombie Giant by @SethDrallitoc
Announcement & Entry thread - Painting Competition - The Golden Bat - Carpe Noctem
Voting thread - Golden Bat Painting Competition - Voting Thread - Carpe Noctem
Results thread - Golden Bat Painting Competition - Voting Thread - Carpe Noctem
Joint 2nd Place - Corpse Cart by @Malchus Von Carstein | Joint 2nd Place - Wight King Battle Standard Bearer by @Josef |
Announcement & Entry thread - The Golden Bat Painting Competition Summer 2009 - Carpe Noctem
Voting thread - The Golden Bat Painting Competition Summer 2009 - Voting Thread - Carpe Noctem
Results thread - The Golden Bat Painting Competition Summer 2009 - The Winners - Carpe Noctem
Results amendment thread - Fraudulent Entry in Previous Golden Bat Competitions - Carpe Noctem
Golden Bat 2010 Winter
Entries: 23
1st Place - Vlad von Carstein by @Redarmy27
2nd Place - Grave Guard Command by @beeblicon
Announcement thread - The Golden Bat Painting Competition Winter 2009 - Sponsored by OG Games - Carpe Noctem
Entry thread - The Golden Bat Painting Competition Winter 2010 - Entry Thread - Carpe Noctem
Voting thread - The Golden Bat Painting Competition Winter 2010 - Voting Thread - Carpe Noctem
Results thread - The Golden Bat Painting Competition - Results! - Carpe Noctem
Results amendment thread - Fraudulent Entry in Previous Golden Bat Competitions - Carpe Noctem
Golden Bat 2010 Summer
Entries: 51 (P:39, C:12)
Painting competition Winners
1st Place - Vlad von Carstein Summoning Hellfire by @Bigcannon
2nd Place - Varghulf by @axia
Entries: 51 (P:39, C:12)
Painting competition Winners
1st Place - Vlad von Carstein Summoning Hellfire by @Bigcannon
2nd Place - Varghulf by @axia
Joint 3rd Place - Grave Guard by @zoddozoddo | Joint 3rd Place - Konrad von Carstein by @Gologuzi osvetnik | Joint 3rd Place - Soulcart by @Normal |
Joint 3rd Place - Soulcart aka Corpse Cart by @Normal | Joint 3rd Place - Mounted Vampire by @Ophidicus |
Announcement thread - The Golden Bat Competition Summer 2010 - Sponsored by OG Games and Mantic - Carpe Noctem
Painting Entry thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2010 - Painting - Carpe Noctem
Painting Voting thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2010 - Painting: Voting Thread - Carpe Noctem
Converting Entry thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2010 - Converting - Carpe Noctem
Converting Voting thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2010 - Converting: Voting Thread - Carpe Noctem
Results thread - Winners of the Golden Bat Competition Summer 2010 - Carpe Noctem
Golden Bat 2011
Entries: 38 (P:29, C:9)
Painting competition Winners
1st Place - Wight King by @Bigcannon
2nd Place - Necromancer by @SoulSeeker
3rd Place - Vampire Lord by @Darkthroner
Converting competition Winners
1st Place - Zombie Ogre by @Zhatan
2nd Place - Spirit Host by @desfer
3rd Place - Zombie Dragon by @silenti79
Announcement thread - Golden Bat Competition 2011 - Carpe Noctem
Painting Entry thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2011 - Painting - Carpe Noctem
Painting Voting thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2011 - Painting - Carpe Noctem
Converting Entry thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2011 - Converting - Carpe Noctem
Converting Voting thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2011 - Converting - Carpe Noctem
Results thread - Golden Bat Competition 2011 - The Results - Carpe Noctem
Entries: 38 (P:29, C:9)
Painting competition Winners
1st Place - Wight King by @Bigcannon
2nd Place - Necromancer by @SoulSeeker
3rd Place - Vampire Lord by @Darkthroner
Converting competition Winners
1st Place - Zombie Ogre by @Zhatan
2nd Place - Spirit Host by @desfer
3rd Place - Zombie Dragon by @silenti79
Announcement thread - Golden Bat Competition 2011 - Carpe Noctem
Painting Entry thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2011 - Painting - Carpe Noctem
Painting Voting thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2011 - Painting - Carpe Noctem
Converting Entry thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2011 - Converting - Carpe Noctem
Converting Voting thread - The Golden Bat Competition – Summer 2011 - Converting - Carpe Noctem
Results thread - Golden Bat Competition 2011 - The Results - Carpe Noctem
Golden Bat 2012
Entries: 64 (P:53, C:11)
Painting Competition Winners
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: General
1st Place - Mounted Manny by @robtion
2nd Place: Merenwen's Terrorgheist by @merenwen
3rd Place: Harem Throne - by @Santawraith
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: Master
1st Place - Lord of the Blood Keep by @Bigcannon
2nd Place - "Ancient Terrorgheist of Camelost" with LEDS by @strigoi85
Entries: 64 (P:53, C:11)
Painting Competition Winners
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: General
1st Place - Mounted Manny by @robtion
2nd Place: Merenwen's Terrorgheist by @merenwen
3rd Place: Harem Throne - by @Santawraith
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: Master
1st Place - Lord of the Blood Keep by @Bigcannon
2nd Place - "Ancient Terrorgheist of Camelost" with LEDS by @strigoi85
Joint 3rd Place - Willhelm Von Pacheco, III by @Malikos | Joint 3rd Place - Terrorgheist crawling over garden of Morr by @Elmir |
Theme: 40k; Tier: General
1st Place - Plague Hulk of Nurgle by @Santawraith
2nd Place - Mephiston Lord Of Death by @Duke Danse Macabre
3rd Place - Ezekyle Abaddon by @Sception
Theme: 40k; Tier: Master
1st Place - Death Korps of Krieg Demolisher by @silenti79
2nd Place - Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought & Heretic by @Normal
3rd Place - Von Calyptra - Brother Zael by @Von Calyptra
Theme: Fantasy; Tier: General
1st Place - Nurgle Giant by @Bullhax
2nd Place - Daemon Princess Undivided by @Santawraith
3rd Place - Imperial Captain Burkhard by @Duke Danse Macabre
Theme: Fantasy; Tier: Master
1st Place - Forge World Exalted Verminlord by @Elmir
2nd Place - Abyssal Warlord by @Redarmy27
3rd Place - Fimir Standard Bearer by @Mr Saturday
Converting Competition Winners
Theme: Vampire Counts
1st Place - Duke Aldrick Von Drak by @Duke Danse Macabre
2nd Place - Mortis Engine by @Zhatan
3rd Place - Zombie Ogre by @Santawraith
Theme: 40k
1st Place - Captain Tycho by @Duke Danse Macabre
2nd Place - Dragon Warrior of Chaos by @Santawraith
Theme: Fantasy
1st Place - Mangler Squigs by @Mad 'At
2nd Place - Empire Fire Wizard Rosalinde by @Duke Danse Macabre
3rd Place - Athel Loren Recycled by @bigbadbat
Extra Awards Winners
Spanktastic | Terraformer | WTF?! | Nightmare | Living Doll | The Joker |
The Summoning by @con-fusion | Lord of the Blood Keep by @Bigcannon | The Summoning by @con-fusion | Zombie Nun by @Redarmy27 | Abyssal Warrior by @Redarmy27 | Mangler Squigs by @Mad 'At |
Announcement thread - The Golden bat Competition 2012 Has Started! - Carpe Noctem
Vampire Counts Entry thread - Golden Bat 2012 Entry: Vampire Counts - Carpe Noctem
40k Entry thread - Golden Bat 2012 Entry: 40K - Carpe Noctem
Fantasy Entry thread - Golden Bat 2012 Entry: Fantasy - Carpe Noctem
Vampire Counts Painting: General Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: VC Painting - General - Carpe Noctem
Vampire Counts Painting: Master Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: VC Painting - Master - Carpe Noctem
40k Painting: General Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: 40K Painting - General - Carpe Noctem
40k Painting: Master Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: 40K Painting - Master - Carpe Noctem
Fantasy Painting: General Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: Fantasy Painting - General - Carpe Noctem
Fantasy Painting: Master Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: Fantasy Painting - Master - Carpe Noctem
Vampire Counts Converting Voting Thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: VC Converting - Carpe Noctem
40k Converting Voting Thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: 40K Converting - Carpe Noctem
Fantasy Converting Voting Thread - Golden Bat 2012 Voting: Fantasy Converting - Carpe Noctem
Results thread - The Golden Bat Competition 2012: The Results! - Carpe Noctem
Golden Bat 2014
Entries: 77 (P:54, C:23)
Painting Competition Winners
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: Apprentice
1st Place - Desparity flare by @ObliviJohn
2nd Place - Pietr Vãduva, Captain of the Drakenhof Guard, Personal Standard Bearer of Frederick V by @Fallen Angel
3rd Place - "I don't get mad, I get stabby" by @bigbadbat
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: Master
1st Place - Kiril the Wight Chieftain by @Borgnine
2nd Place - Duchess Miriam of Blaylock by @Von Calyptra
3rd Place - Heinz's Chosen (zombies) by @Mad 'At
Theme: Open; Tier: Apprentice
1st Place - Legion Ravagore by @jediguru
2nd Place - Scourgerunner Chariot by @Angie
Entries: 77 (P:54, C:23)
Painting Competition Winners
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: Apprentice
1st Place - Desparity flare by @ObliviJohn
2nd Place - Pietr Vãduva, Captain of the Drakenhof Guard, Personal Standard Bearer of Frederick V by @Fallen Angel
3rd Place - "I don't get mad, I get stabby" by @bigbadbat
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: Master
1st Place - Kiril the Wight Chieftain by @Borgnine
2nd Place - Duchess Miriam of Blaylock by @Von Calyptra
3rd Place - Heinz's Chosen (zombies) by @Mad 'At
Theme: Open; Tier: Apprentice
1st Place - Legion Ravagore by @jediguru
2nd Place - Scourgerunner Chariot by @Angie
Joint 3rd Place - Stabbin' Yhetees by @bigbadbat | Joint 3rd Place - Captain Stephanie Rogers by @Wolfen | Joint 3rd Place - Jorvik Paincaller, Scourge of The North by @WilsonUndead |
Theme: Open; Tier: Master
1st Place - Horned Nightmare by @Lizardinakue
2nd Place - Magog the Athach (Forge World Curs'd Ettin) by @Mr Saturday
3rd Place - Magus The Sylvan Wyrm by @robtion
Converting Competition Winners
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: Apprentice
1st Place - The Mourngul (Varghulf) by @Mioum
2nd Place - Shriek of Skabscrath by @EternallyUndying
3rd Place - Rupture, Burrower of the Dark Woods (My thematic Zombie Dragon) by @robtion
Theme: Vampire Counts; Tier: Master
1st Place - Zombie Ogres by @Borgnine
Joint 2nd Place - Arise, Sardurion! (Zombie Dragon) by @Raven Torrid | Joint 2nd Place - Classic Mannfred mounted with cupholder by @Von Calyptra |
3rd Place - Corpzo Maltese, Strigoi Pirate Lord by @Jones
Theme: Open; Tier: Apprentice
1st Place - Nurgle Sorcerer by @Count michael
2nd Place - Avatar of Menoth by @jediguru
3rd Place - Salsa the Pit Slave by @Loriel
Theme: Open; Tier: Master
1st Place - Nurgle Daemon Prince (fantasy base) by @Bullhax
2nd Place - Nippon Ogre Maneater by @desfer
3rd Place - K'Daii Destroyer by @bigbadbat
Extra Awards Winners
Master Medal | Mod's Choice | Spanktastic | WTF?! | Nightmare | Living Doll | The Joker |
Archon Cyrixis' Blood Brides by @Dogmar | Arise, Sardurion! (Zombie Dragon) by @Raven Torrid | The Harbinger - Mortis Engine by @robtion | Magog the Athach (Forge World Curs'd Ettin) by @Mr Saturday | Heinz's Chosen by @Mad 'At | ||
Announcement thread - The Golden Bat Competition 2014 - Carpe Noctem
Vampire Counts Painting: Apprentice Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2014 Voting Thread: Vampire Counts - Painting - Apprentice - Carpe Noctem
Vampire Counts Painting: Master Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2014 Voting Thread: Vampire Counts - Painting - Master - Carpe Noctem
Open Painting: Apprentice Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2014 Voting Thread: Open - Painting - Apprentice - Carpe Noctem
Open Painting: Master Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2014 Voting Thread: Open - Painting - Master - Carpe Noctem
Vampire Counts Converting: Apprentice Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2014 Voting Thread: Vampire Counts - Converting - Apprentice - Carpe Noctem
Vampire Counts Converting: Master Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2014 Voting Thread: Vampire Counts - Converting - Master - Carpe Noctem
Open Converting:: Apprentice Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2014 Voting Thread: Open - Converting - Apprentice - Carpe Noctem
Open Converting: Master Tier Voting thread - Golden Bat 2014 Voting Thread: Open - Converting - Master - Carpe Noctem
Results thread - The Golden Bat Competition 2014 - The Results! - Carpe Noctem
Extra Awards and Medals Overview
Golden Bat Master Medal
This medal is granted to anyone who can win first place in more than one category, during the same competition.
The Mods Choice
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Chosen by CN's Dark Art Mods.
Throughout the year the Dark Art mods get to know many members, and this is where they recognise someone they feel deserves the notice.
Perhaps they have vastly improved, or gone that extra step. Whatever the reason, the mods will grant this award to one they feel deserve it, and state the reason why.
The Spanktastic Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Decided by Disciple of Nagash
The winners for this will be chosen by Disciple of Nagash, who will be looking for the most perverted entry!
It is based on the model itself, not the painting.
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
This prize will be voted for by the forum members. The criteria is looking for the best based model,
how ingenuitive the member is with the terrain on their model. The model itself is not to be considered when voting.
The WTF?! Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
If you don't know what WTF stands for, we're not telling you! There are some members out there that like to not only think outside the box,
they like to step outside the realm of sanity, and design or paint in a way that makes you go....well WTF?! This prize is for those people. It is not based on skill but on the idea behind the entry.
The Nightmare Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
There are some models out there that just give us the heebie jeebies. They are the ones that make us look away from our monitors and keeps us awake a night, and this award is for them.
This is based on a combination of both the model choice and the possibly the painting. That is not to say a conversion can't win this, as I have seen some unpainted models that gave me the creeps!
Living Doll Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
I know many of you like to go for realism over fantasy, and this award is specially for you.
This is for the model that looks like it is about to stand up and start walking and talking!
The Joker Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
We like a good laugh, me especially. We all remember a funny model, the older ones of us will always remember the Zombie Bat-Pope.
So for those that take the time to have some fun and make us laugh, this is a chance to be recognised. Again it is not based on painting skill.
This medal is granted to anyone who can win first place in more than one category, during the same competition.
The Mods Choice
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Chosen by CN's Dark Art Mods.
Throughout the year the Dark Art mods get to know many members, and this is where they recognise someone they feel deserves the notice.
Perhaps they have vastly improved, or gone that extra step. Whatever the reason, the mods will grant this award to one they feel deserve it, and state the reason why.
The Spanktastic Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Decided by Disciple of Nagash
The winners for this will be chosen by Disciple of Nagash, who will be looking for the most perverted entry!
It is based on the model itself, not the painting.
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
This prize will be voted for by the forum members. The criteria is looking for the best based model,
how ingenuitive the member is with the terrain on their model. The model itself is not to be considered when voting.
The WTF?! Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
If you don't know what WTF stands for, we're not telling you! There are some members out there that like to not only think outside the box,
they like to step outside the realm of sanity, and design or paint in a way that makes you go....well WTF?! This prize is for those people. It is not based on skill but on the idea behind the entry.
The Nightmare Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
There are some models out there that just give us the heebie jeebies. They are the ones that make us look away from our monitors and keeps us awake a night, and this award is for them.
This is based on a combination of both the model choice and the possibly the painting. That is not to say a conversion can't win this, as I have seen some unpainted models that gave me the creeps!
Living Doll Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
I know many of you like to go for realism over fantasy, and this award is specially for you.
This is for the model that looks like it is about to stand up and start walking and talking!
The Joker Award
Judged across all entrants regardless of category or tier. Voted for by forum members.
We like a good laugh, me especially. We all remember a funny model, the older ones of us will always remember the Zombie Bat-Pope.
So for those that take the time to have some fun and make us laugh, this is a chance to be recognised. Again it is not based on painting skill.
Award | 1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place | Master Medal | Mod's Choice | Spanktastic | Terraformer | WTF?! | Nightmare | Living Doll | The Joker |
Medal |
The Golden Bat Competition Hall of Fame
Here you can see a fun overview off all The Golden Bat winners so far.
The scoring was done in the following way:
1st Place - 3 points
2nd Place - 2 points
3rd Place - 1 point
Extra Award - 1 point
This overview isn't meant to be an exact representation of who won the most awards or "who is the best". As seen below, there is no numbers next to usernames.
Over the time, competitions expanded, new categories, new tiers and new awards were added. It would be impossible to take all the variables into account and "score" them in a perfect and just way.
The scoring doesn't take into account the category or the tier of the entries, it simply counts the total number of points based on medals.
The overview is meant to be a fun visual showcase of all the winners and their efforts.
Fun facts
Borgnine shows his masterful expertise with the coveted Master's Medal.
bigbadbat's poker of bronzes clearly wins over Bigcannon's three of a kind golds.
With two Joker awards, Mad 'At proves to be the main entertainer of the bunch.
Santawraith manages to snatch a threesome of different podium places in one of the main categories (painting).
con-fusion lives every CN's member wet dream by winning both the WTF?! and the Spanktastic award.
Link to full size image: The Golden Bat Hall of Fame
The scoring was done in the following way:
1st Place - 3 points
2nd Place - 2 points
3rd Place - 1 point
Extra Award - 1 point
This overview isn't meant to be an exact representation of who won the most awards or "who is the best". As seen below, there is no numbers next to usernames.
Over the time, competitions expanded, new categories, new tiers and new awards were added. It would be impossible to take all the variables into account and "score" them in a perfect and just way.
The scoring doesn't take into account the category or the tier of the entries, it simply counts the total number of points based on medals.
The overview is meant to be a fun visual showcase of all the winners and their efforts.
Fun facts
Borgnine shows his masterful expertise with the coveted Master's Medal.
bigbadbat's poker of bronzes clearly wins over Bigcannon's three of a kind golds.
With two Joker awards, Mad 'At proves to be the main entertainer of the bunch.
Santawraith manages to snatch a threesome of different podium places in one of the main categories (painting).
con-fusion lives every CN's member wet dream by winning both the WTF?! and the Spanktastic award.
Link to full size image: The Golden Bat Hall of Fame
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